Thursday, November 7, 2019

sputnik and its effects on ame essays

sputnik and its effects on ame essays When the Soviet Union launched the sputnik in 1957, the United States was changed in many ways such as Education, Daily life, the acceleration of the United States plan for their program and the effects of the cold war. There were many precautions taken by students and staff of school systems and also new ideas and advancements were introduced to lesson plans to encourage studies in science and engineering. The launch affected ideas for space programs and since the U.S. was already in competition with the Soviet Union, new advanced programs were introduced such as NASA. The United States revised the direction of their technological plans when sputnik was launched in 1957. The Soviet Union created a huge stir up in the world but sputnik can be considered one of the most important events in history. Sputnik did not only create problems but it also made the world stronger and more intelligent through the knowledge that was collected from sputnik and their competitive advances that was subsequent to the 1957 launch. Sputnik would have not been as dramatic of an event if it werent for the cold war era that was taken place at the time of its launch. The cold war, which started in 1945, just after World War II ended with the victory granted to the allies. It was a war not of weapons, destruction, or battles but one of competition. Two countries of different government views, the United States fighting to keep communist from spreading and influencing the world with capitalist ideas and the Soviet Union trying to spread their communist views. There were three main decisions that affected the cold war and were used to stop communism from spreading. Winston Churchill, the prime minister of Britain at that time, once gave a speech about the soviets spreading of their views. He called all countries that were under communist control an Iron Curtain. In 1947 Truman proposed his own plan to stop the spread of communis...

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